pantsmail - 7:07 am - Saturday,October 7, 2000


date : 7:07 am - Saturday,October 7, 2000

from : mrp

subject : PANTSMAIL 003: things I saw.

Hello Pardners,


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This is a quickie. I'm writing from LA.

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I SAW [003.2]

I wanted to tell you about a thing I saw in someone's house. When you're driving around you can sometimes see in peoples' houses. In this one house I saw backlit wooden bookshelves displaying enormous seashells. Mostly conch shells.

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I ALSO SAW [003.3]

Another thing I've seen a few times in LA--older guys with potbellies, walking around with those yellow headphones that are also a portable radio. Like maybe they're listening to the game.

I like it when I see these old guys with the dorky headphone radios because I figure that one day, I'll become one of them. And I'll walk around in my dirty t-shirt maybe listening to the wisdom of talk radio. I'll walk into convenience stores to buy beef jerky. And the whole time I'll have a really determined stride.

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That's pretty much it. I had a bunch more stuff, but it's all on a notebook that I left in a laundromat and am sad about. Also, it's late and I'm tired.

Thanks for signing up. I like you.
